As a digital marketer, the priority is taking your company’s products and/or services to the right audience who purchase them and, possibly, become a repeat client. In the process of achieving your goals, ads on search engines and social media platforms are crucial.
Sometimes, the marketing effort may get off to a great start; other times, it may need a lot of work to get significant returns. Regardless of the situation, tracking important events and changes in your market campaigns is an important approach.
From brand mentions, a spike in traffic, theme changes, new app codes to trends in analytics, annotating events can help you learn the key components that are working for your marketing efforts. This is where Google Analytics Annotations come in. If you are not using GA annotations yet, you are probably missing out and spending more time getting your campaign right.
You need not worry, though. In this article, we will be discussing why GA annotation is popular and how it helps with digital marketing. Also, you’ll learn the current state of GA annotation and proven solutions to employ. Let’s begin.
Introducing Google Analytics Annotations
GA annotations are designed to note any important changes in marketing campaigns and website performance reports. This may include a sudden increase in traffic, trends, changes in goals, important mentions, search engine performance, or weather updates. Depending on the company’s choice, annotations in Google Analytics could be shared or private.
When the annotation for GA is shared, it means other employees or members of the company can see the property reports. If the annotation is set to private, it is only available to the registered user on Google analytics.

is Annotation for Google Analytics popular among Digital marketers?
As suggested earlier, changes in marketing approaches and key components of a business can make or mar a business. Also, having up-to-date information about upcoming events or holidays can be the difference between a successful business in a particular season and a failed one. More marketers and CEOs are learning that seemingly small details can be key. For this reason, GA annotations are being harnessed to note the key changes. Below are popular ways through which annotations are being used for GA:
1. Annotate ads on social media campaigns
This means noting down any significant changes in metrics associated with social media posts. In this case, a spike in traffics and mentions can be tracked. This helps marketers to note ads that are attracting more waves online.
2. Annotate website changes
When a website is redesigned or equipped with a significant number of contents, GA annotations can be used to track any differences made. Any changes in website performance on search engines are duly noted for further optimization.

3. Annotate events and holidays
Holidays and events may cause a drop in sales or a rise in revenue. With an annotation tool monitoring traffic on your website with specific dates, you can determine how a particular event or holiday affects your online business. This could be an event such as a Google update, a weather situation or a public holiday. In this way, you can be better prepared for the occurrence of a similar situation in the future.
4. Annotate email campaign
Here is another common ad that is often annotated by savvy marketers. When launching new products or solutions, email marketing is often used to target potential buyers. The campaign can be tracked to see the responses and reactions of the recipients, including the specific period. These sets of details are often employed for future changes in the email marketing approach.
How to use Google Analytics Annotation
The current Google Analytics 4 doesn’t support the annotation tool. However, a solution for annotations in GA4 has been developed by GAannotations. Users only need to download the GAannotations extension and install it. In this way, you can annotate your Facebook ads campaign, email campaign, events, holidays, and website changes easily. Also, users can view important previous annotations to their new GA4 property with ease.
Although annotations are often forgotten by many digital marketing experts and marketers, it’s one of the most important tools to land the goldmine of a profitable campaign. From tracking changes in websites and/or contents, email campaigns, social media ads to checking unusual events on previous holidays, annotations for GA are used dynamically. Sadly, the new GA4 doesn’t feature annotations yet. However, you can easily annotate with the GAannotations extension and avoid missing out on important details.
What is missing from GA4?
The annotation tool is the missing feature on Google Analytics 4. This means you can not mark down important changes in certain events and activities using the tool on the recent Google property.
What are annotations in Google Analytics?
Annotations are automatic notes taken when changes occur traffic, trends, search engine performance, or weather updates, etc.
Can you add annotations in GA4?
Yes, you can add annotations in GA4 by using GAannotations tool. Simply sign up with GAnnotations, download the extension and link your GA4 property.
Why are there no annotations in GA4?
Google did not include the feature on the current GA property after replacing Universal Analytics with GA4.